When registering for classes, please note the following:

Grade 3 Modern & Above - Ballet 2x Per Week

Jazz A, B, C, D, E - Ballet 2x Per Week

Contemporary A, B, C, D - Ballet 2x Per Week

Acro & Musical Theatre - 1 Other Dance Class

Production - 3 Other Dance Classes



To be enrolled in a Company, Accelerated or Elite class (with the exception of Elite Hip Hop and Elite Acro), you must be a "full time" student. Meaning you must take 3 or more technical classes a week at RNB, one of which MUST be Ballet. The other two classes are your choice but one must be either Jazz or Contemporary. 

To be in Accelerated Ballet, Accelerated Contemporary or Company students must also be taking a technique class in the same discipline. For example: Sr Accelerated Contemporary must also take Contemporary C, Company 3 must also take Jazz C and Elite Acro must take Acro Tech.

***Please note - Pointe classes are invite only.

Contracts will be put in place for students AND their parents to sign if they enroll in a Company, Accelerated or Elite (competitive) class. If a student in a Company, Accelerated or Elite class misses more than 2 classes without prior permission from the Principal or a doctor's note, they will be asked to stop taking the class.